



NVIDIA: Ultra-Low Latency Mode





NVIDIA Corporation, an American multinational technology company, designs GPUs for the gaming and professional markets, along with the system on chip units for the mobile computing and automotive market. 

Ultra Low Latency Mode for NVIDIA

The NVIDIA ultra low latency mode feature, provided by NVIDIA’s graphics driver, is intended for competitive gamers and other users who want the fastest input response in their games. The NVIDIA ultra low latency mode feature is accessible in all NVIDIA GeForce GPUs.

First, the Graphic engines queue frames are rendered by the GPU and then displayed on your computer. This feature builds on the “Maximum Pre-Rendered Frames” feature that’s been found in the NVIDIA Control Panel for over a decade and allows the users to keep the number of frames in the render queue down.

The NVIDIA Control Panel ultra low latency mode allows the user to keep the number of frames, in the render queue, down. With the ultra low latency mode, frames are submitted into the render queue just before they are needed by the GPU. 

This feature only works with DirectX 9 and DirectX 11 games. In DirectX 12 and Vulkan games, the game itself decides when to queue the frame while the NVIDIA graphics drivers have no control over this. Ultra low latency modes show the maximum impact in case your game is GPU bound, and framerates are between 60 to 100 FPS, thereby enabling you to get the responsiveness of high-frame-rate gaming without having the need to decrease the graphical fidelity. 

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Please note: If a game is limited by the CPU resources instead of the GPU or if you have very high or very low FPS, then this would not help much. If you have input latency in games, then that’s simply the result of low frames per second and this setting cannot solve that problem.

However, you need to pay attention that this will potentially reduce the FPS. This mode is switched off by default because it leads to maximum render throughput, which might be a better option a lot of times. But, as for competitive multiplayer gaming, one might want all the tiny edges he or she can get, including the lower latency. 

If one enables the ‘Ultra Low Latency Mode’, it will help those gamers who play GPU limited by graphics card resources games. The application decides CPU- bound game and enables the Low Latency not to affect those games.

One needs to note that their frame rates will most probably be reduced. The Ultra Low Latency mode is solely built for competitive gamers instead of typical gamers.

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How to enable ultra-low latency mode for NVIDIA?

To enable the ‘NVIDIA low latency mode’, the user needs ‘version 436.02’, or the newer version of the NVIDIA graphics driver. In case you do not have the latest version of the NVIDIA graphics driver, you will need to update it, which can be done by going to the NVIDIA website.

Step 1: You first need to open the ‘NVIDIA Control Panel’ which you can find in the ‘Start Menu’, ‘System Tray’, or by right-clicking on your desktop from among the given options.

Please Note:  If you don’t see the NVIDIA control panel there, you will need to press the ‘Windows Key + S’ and start typing ‘NVIDIA Control Panel’ in the pop-up menu that appears. After this NVIDIA Control Panel will appear and you just need to click on it. 

Step 2: Then you need to click on ‘Manage 3D settings’ from the left panel to continue.

Step 3: Next you need to expand the ‘Manage 3D settings’.

Step 4: Now you need to decide how you want to enable the NVIDIA ultra low latency mode- whether you want to enable it for all the games or just for a few specific games.

Step 5: If you need to enable it for all the games, then you need to select the ‘Global Settings ’. While if you wish to enable it for a few specific games, then you need to select the ‘Program Settings’ and choose the games you want to enable the low latency mode for.

Step 6: Then you need to select the ‘Low Latency Mode’ from the list.
Now three options will be available to you:

  1. Off: This option enables the game’s engine to automatically queue 1-3 frames for maximum render throughput
  2. On: This option limits the number of queued frames to 1.
  3. Ultra: This option helps to submit the frame just in time for the GPU to pick it up and start rendering.

Step 7: Next you need to choose the ‘Ultra’ option from the settings list, on the right. 

Step 8: After that, you need to click on the ‘Apply’ option to save the changes on your device.

Please Note:  Enabling the NVIDIA low latency mode might affect the performance of your device in many ways. Thus, it is recommended that one should enable the NVIDIA ultra low latency mode for specific games only. However, if you change your mind, you can simply click on the ‘Restore’ option present in the lower-right corner or also switch the setting to the ‘Off’ option.

So this article was all about the NVIDIA ultra low latency mode. Follow all the steps mentioned above to enable the ultra low latency mode. We hope you found this effective and informative.

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